Favorite VS Code Extensions
Name | Category | Brief Description | ID |
Code for IBM i | IBM i | IBM i Code Editor | halcyontechltd.ibm-i-development-pack |
Overtype | Editing | Enable insert mode in VS Code | DrMerfy.overtype |
Text Pastry | Editing | Generate multiple selections and increment/decrement numbers | jkjustjoshing.vscode-text-pastry |
Permute Lines | Editing | Permute lines of selected text | earshinov.permute-lines |
Better Comments | Editing | Improve code comments with annotations | aaron-bond.better-comments |
CodeSnap | Utility | Capture and share code screenshots | adpyke.codesnap |
DB2 for IBM i | IBM i | IBM i SQL Editor | halcyontechltd.ibm-i-development-pack |
GitHub Copilot | AI | AI-powered code suggestions | GitHub.copilot |
SQLite | Database | SQLite database support | alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite |
Thunder Client | API Testing | REST API testing tool | rangav.vscode-thunder-client |
Code Runner | Utility | Run code snippets directly in VS Code | formulahendry.code-runner |
Quokka.js | Development | Evaluate JavaScript code inline with instant preview | WallabyJs.quokka-vscode |
Live Server | Development | Launch a local development server with live reload feature | ritwickdey.LiveServer |
Auto Rename Tag | Editing | Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tags | formulahendry.auto-rename-tag |
htmltagwrap | Editing | Wrap selected text with HTML tags | bradgashler.htmltagwrap |
Markdown Preview Enhanced | Markdown | Enhanced Markdown preview with math support | shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced |
Multiple cursor case preserve | Editing | Preserve case when using multiple cursors | Cardinal90.multi-cursor-case-preserve |
Code Spell Checker | Language Support | Spell checker for source code | streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker |
Regex Previewer | Regex | Test your regular expressions in vscode | chrmarti.regex |
Regex Snippets | Regex | Snippets with common validation and extracts | Monish.regexsnippets |
Bracket Pair Colorization Toggler | Editing | Toggle bracket pair colorization | dzhavat.bracket-pair-toggler |
Prettier | Formatting | Code formatter | esbenp.prettier-vscode |
Change Case | Editing | Change the case of selected text | wmaurer.change-case |